Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Crisp Update...

Hello October! I am so excited to see fall arrive! I love EVERYTHING about fall... colors, smells, weather, decorations! Another thing I'm loving this year is that I am feeling MUCH better since I am finally in my 2nd trimester. Everyone kept telling me to hang in there and I'm so glad they were right! I am not as sick, have more of an appetite, and have more energy. Praise the Lord! I went to see my OB this week and everything is looking good! I am not showing much yet and have only gained 2lbs but I'm sure that will all change soon! I also had an appt with my cardiologist and an Echo done. He said everything is looking good and he is going to review my case with some of his colleges at UVA just to make sure we are doing everything we are supposed to. For now, he is leaning towards me having a scheduled C-Section to reduce stress on my heart but no final plans have been made. I just want to do the safest thing for Baby Crisp and I so I am on board for whatever the doctors decide. I don't have any more doctor appts in October but in November (the 2nd to be exact) we find out if we are having a boy or girl. I am SO excited!!!!

Tyler has been trucking right along with 4th year rotations. He was in Kentucky last month and LOVED it. This month he is in Mississippi at UMC. The Crisp house if very quiet (and clean...ha!) because he also took Doc with him. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next several weeks! Luckily, I will be flying down to MS for the end of the month to visit with family/friends while Tyler is finishing his rotation. I can't wait! I miss my boys so much!